


2024-07-20 10:17:40 来源:网络


"汽车制造业"怎样翻译成英文! -
一般来说auto industry就好了这个比较常用,
the die structure designed, draw drawing again by technical workers according to the drawings by all kinds of mechanical processing requirements (such as lathe, planer, milling machine, grinder, edm,

浅析日本地震给中国汽车制造业带来的机遇与挑战翻译 -
Shallow seismic give China automobile manufacturing industry in Japan the opportunity and challenge。
Throughout the development of the world economy, significantly speeding up the process of economic globalization, the globalization of information has become a pressing need and the need to ensure. Worldwide industrial restructuring and information technology advances in China's information ind说完了。
IT在制造业的发展4翻译成英文 -
5, pay attention to the development and utilization of information resources In the construction of the information infrastructure, we will attach information resources development and utilization of work, the key is to government information, public information, market information, information,希望你能满意。
Lean Production 是专有的名词,就是这么翻译,参考下面:50年代日本丰田汽车公司创造了丰田生产方式,经过美国MIT为首的学术界和企业的效仿和发展,到上个世纪90年代中期,已经形成为一种新的管理观念——quot;精益思想Lean Thinking"。精益思想在制造业中的应用,即"精益生产Lean production"极大地降低了制造成本等会说。
英语翻译 -
the manufacture is big but weak;the innovational ability is very poor;the basic manufacture is behind the average levei.
Our country small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprise cost management problems或A research on cost control of manufacturing management for SMES of China ,前面的是新加坡留学生的回答,后面的是雅思英语通过者的回答。供参考。